Ringing the Chemotherapy Bell

"Hope SPRINGS eternal." ~ Alexander Pope

As much as they try to construct facilities that are bright and cheery, a cancer center is just that - a specialized medical building. No amount of greenery or brilliant artwork disguises its purpose or function. No comfortable chairs and smiling volunteers appreciably change the overall atmosphere. There is one thing however, that immediately and spontaneously lifts everyone's spirit and that is the RINGING OF THE BELL signaling someone's final chemotherapy treatment!

It's not the sound of a single bell ringing - it's a raucous clanging by the patient, their family and their nurses. The cancer center sparks to life - everyone stops and cheers, claps, whistles and hoots! It's a joyous eruption - capable of giving pause to the reason why you're there and giving hope and optimism to one and all.

Many families plan a ceremony around their loved one's final chemotherapy treatment. It's an occasion to celebrate the courage, stamina and perseverance required to complete the treatment cycle. Knowing how difficult it is, it's a thrill to see the tears of relief and delight in the faces of the patient and their family members!

Movie Camera Many great videos of chemotherapy bell ringing can be found on Youtube by searching on the words "chemo bell", but we thought it would be more fun to post our own readers' bell ringing videos right here on this page!
If you would like to share your chemo bell ringing video with us, please email the file (no larger than 25MB) to Webmaster@SunflowerSisters.ca
In the body of the email, please provide your permission for us to use the video, and let us know what other information we can publish, for example: Your first name, Date, Cancer Center, City, etc.
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My Wife Rang the Chemo Bell
I DID IT! I Rang the Chemo Bell!
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Chemo Bell Button
I Rang the Chemo Bell Greeting Card
Chemo Bell Necklace

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We strongly encourage you to talk with your health care professional about your specific medical condition and treatments. The information contained in this website is meant to be helpful and educational, but is not a substitute for medical advice.